Album Review: Rush Kazi, About Time

About Time is a very fitting name for Rush Kazi’s latest album, released by the good people at Howl and Roar Records. This body of work has been polished and honed over years and years. It shows.

A rare talent, who is as strong of a producer as a performer, has cut her teeth as the host of the long running Laughter Luau open mic. This is where her reputation of a beautiful person, who kept control of a rowdy room, began to grow.

Rush Kazi is a showy person and a humble comic who goes to all parts of her rare self in her comedy. Queer, First Gen Canadian, Disruptor and sews them together, leaving no space for anyone’s opinions (mere mortals aren’t capable of such nuance.) 

The record itself is 43 minutes of comedy, far from rote memory but so in the pocket Kazi understands the act and can’t get it wrong. Nothing is left hidden but slowly moves deeper back in a comics memory. An unusual but welcome choice.

The specific subject matter of Kazi’s album is vast. Not safe for work, yet highly professional. The confidence and precision of this record is unmistakable. 

Best listened to wherever your soul can actually hear it.

About Time was released April 29, 2022 on Howl & Roar Records.
Listen to it here.