TOsketchfest23 Review: Big Chick Energy & Chelsea Larkin

It’s a double dose of laughs at the Toronto Sketch Comedy Festival. For almost every performance, two troupes take to the stage—in this case, the Theatre Centre welcomed Big Chick Energy’s Sketch Show and Chelsea Larkin’s Now with More Chelsea!.

Big Chick Energy, composed of Alicia Carrick, Julia Jones, Emily Milling, Sam Sexton and Jo Anne Tacorda, started off the evening. It’s 30+ minutes filled to the brim with far-fetched sketches that are actually relatable. Late-night phone calls from the province of Alberta and centuries’ past battles comment on politically-infused inflation and misunderstandings of women’s health.

Although they could benefit from tightening their performance when it comes to delivery and choreography, they brought the energy to their name. Creativity was the counterpart as sketches combine two complete opposites. A personal favourite: marriage counselling and rap.

Following Big Chick Energy came Chelsea Larkin. She truly takes the stage by storm—an abundant presence striking gold with humour. Larkin starts off with her own rendition of Hairspray’s “Good Morning Baltimore,” and immediately an audience is hooked, especially when a guest appears that sparks Larkin’s first sketch. From there, the comedy is on an upwards trajectory, never faltering in its pace or material.

Larkin brings with her an immaculate roster of characters. Giving each role the necessary time to fully flesh out its comedy and showcase her commitment to the bit, Larkin has superb versatility. And, she’s pretty funny. Heads were tilting back in laughter as she traversed from school teacher to her child-self.

The Toronto Sketch Comedy Festival runs until March 19.
See Big Chick Energy on Friday March 10.