Album Review: Matt Wright, Here Live Not a Cat

The pandemic has been a tough time for a lot of comedians. Tours had to be canceled, album tapings had to be postponed, jokes had to be written for this “new normal” we’re all living in. As we slowly emerge out the other side, it can be hard to quantify the past 17 years since March 2020. Matt Wright’s new album, Here Live, Not a Cat does a fantastic job of doing just that.

Throughout this album, Wright takes us through all the main points of the pandemic. He details the early days of COVID while also delving into some of the grander societal realizations that have been spotlighted. The journey from lighter subjects like pandemic grocery shopping and puzzle injuries to heavier subjects like wealth inequality and climate anxiety is seamless.

While Wright laments about being at the bottom of his game, he’s anything but that. This album boasts his signature sharp writing and playful delivery at its best. He really leans into a “fuck it” attitude and just has fun on stage after having not been on one in so long.

A crisp, cohesive album filled with stellar writing, Here Live, Not a Cat provides us with an opportunity to reflect and laugh at all the absurdity and horror we’ve experienced over the pandemic packaged in this Gander boy’s expert comedic performance. 

Here Live, Not A Cat was released November 19, 2021
Listen to it here.