Album Review: Chapel Hart, Glory Days

With 11 tracks wedged into 40 minutes and four seconds, there’s scant filler on Glory Days, the latest from Mississippi-reared vocal trio Chapel Hart, whose radio-friendly heehaw is as bubbly as they are, or as they appeared to be last July when they melted the cold, cold heart of Simon Cowell on America's Got Talent, while making the acquaintance of the mainstream. 

On that show, they performed “You Can Have Him Jolene,” Chapel Heart’s saucy salute to Dolly Patron, which showcased their sweet/salty disposition and flawless harmonies. On Glory Days, that winning vibe surfaces most clearly on “Dear Tequila,” which winkingly addresses the agave spirit directly as pedal-steel scorches the background: “Margarita / we gotta talk / the last few times we hung out / my clothes fell off.” I mean, c’mon.

Family takes the starring role in the boisterous “Fam Damily” which surveys the community that nurtured the group, sisters Danica Hart and Devynn Hart and their cousin Trea Swindle, as they giddily sing about secret tattoos and memories forged on the porch swing. Ditto “Home is Where the Hart Is.”  Things screech right with the (perhaps excessively) patriotic “American Pride” but the royalties from all-but-guaranteed July 4th playlists should pad the retirement coffers nicely. 

Overall, the hootenanny delivered by Glory Days can be summarized thusly: upbeat country-pop served by gals who sound like there is nothing they’d rather be doing than singing together. And maybe downing shots. Ladies, have at it!

Glory Days was released May 19, 2023.
Listen to it here.