Review: Bryn Pottie, Songs About My Truck And I

Everything starts off reasonably innocently on Bryn Pottie's hillbilly odyssey Songs About My Truck And I. First track Teddy Bear outwardly appears to be a straight cover of highway song virtuoso Red Sovine's same-named feel-good CB radio tale. That is, until the brakes start giving out and the rework descends into revenge porn, death threats and the crippling of a young boy with a wrench.

Second song Keep Truckin doesn't even attempt to exist in the world of regular folk, instead taking us through the mystery of why our gear-jamming protagonist's (many) found families keep getting murdered. It's at this point it becomes clear that these aren't wholesome songs about hauling through the highways of Middle America in one's 18-wheeler, but instead the audio scribblings of a deeply diseased mind. After all, what kind of person makes a Christmas song about dangerous driving, Santa Claus and fellatio? Or, what kind of person watches Smokey And The Bandit and says to themselves, "I'm really inspired by The Snowman character and his dog Fred"?

Hopefully, some day we'll have the answers. Until then, keep an eye out for those smokies and keep pushin' those hot loads of freight.

Songs About My Truck And I was released May 10, 2020
Listen to it here

Monologues and songs about a life on the road.